Blades of Greymane Wiki
Council of the Coimeádaí

Grand Coimeádaí:

Amyas an Galubaile (Kryfta)

High Coimeádaí:

Faralani: Erlend am Eòinaidh
Faye: Clarisa an Cráifeach
Gurnye: Faytia an Tonn-siúlóir
Hod: Horidas an Dualach-laoch
Hyroth: Urieyn an Riamhtine
Kolsir: Vacant
Leka: Dumenhai an Dualach-laoch
Raeok: Vacant
Yim'nir: Vacant
Yolth: Yori an Riamhtine


To lead the Galuyn people and preserve the worship of the spirits of the Old Ways.

The Council of the Coimeádaí is the spiritual leading body of the Galuyn people under the Kingdom of Gilneas. Seen as the spiritual successor to the Wickers, the Council is recognized as a representative for Galuyn interests among the Gilnean people. Manned by members of several different clans, some having been loyal to Gilneas for some time, the Council is seen as a much more stable successor to the Thorned Council and the Wicker King.

There is a High Coimeádaí for each of the major patrons of the Old Ways in the Galuyn sect. The only exceptions are Galane and Sayat, as they are seen as the shepards of Raeok. As such, the High Coimeádaí of Raeok also teaches their lessons and gives their blessings.
